Just a bit of teaser...
Last night I sat to interview a neighbor of mine. His name is Shimon Rachamim and he's quite a character. The reason I've embarked on this project is because Shimon comes from a very prominent Rabbinic family. For instance, his grandfather was a talmid chaver of the Ben Ish Chai and is mentioned repeatedly in R' Yosef Chaim's s'forim. His uncle (his father's oldest brother) R' Yechezkil Ezra Rachamim was considered one of the g'dolei Bavel at the age of 15 and the Ben Ish Chai would go over difficult p'sakim with him before giving a final answer. Another uncle (a younger brother of his father) was the Rishon L'Tzion R' Yitzcham Nissim. His father was also a well known Rav, the acknowledged expert in limud gemara as well as minhagei Bavel. A cousin on his mother's side was the Chief Rabbi of Argentina and his older brother is the Av Beis Din of the Eidah Chareidit of the S'faradim in Yerushalyim. He grew up two doors down from the Beis Yisroel, the 4th Gerrer Rebbe and personally new the majority of the G'dolei Yerushalyim of the last 50 years.
I will occasionally post the raw interview files here, when possible. They are in Hebrew for those who understand Lashon HaKodesh and they are very interesting.
You can listen to the interview from here.
You can also subscribe to the podcast here. Though you'll get audio ads as well, because meanwhile, I'm a cheapskate. Though you can subscribe and humor me.
Last night I sat to interview a neighbor of mine. His name is Shimon Rachamim and he's quite a character. The reason I've embarked on this project is because Shimon comes from a very prominent Rabbinic family. For instance, his grandfather was a talmid chaver of the Ben Ish Chai and is mentioned repeatedly in R' Yosef Chaim's s'forim. His uncle (his father's oldest brother) R' Yechezkil Ezra Rachamim was considered one of the g'dolei Bavel at the age of 15 and the Ben Ish Chai would go over difficult p'sakim with him before giving a final answer. Another uncle (a younger brother of his father) was the Rishon L'Tzion R' Yitzcham Nissim. His father was also a well known Rav, the acknowledged expert in limud gemara as well as minhagei Bavel. A cousin on his mother's side was the Chief Rabbi of Argentina and his older brother is the Av Beis Din of the Eidah Chareidit of the S'faradim in Yerushalyim. He grew up two doors down from the Beis Yisroel, the 4th Gerrer Rebbe and personally new the majority of the G'dolei Yerushalyim of the last 50 years.
I will occasionally post the raw interview files here, when possible. They are in Hebrew for those who understand Lashon HaKodesh and they are very interesting.
You can listen to the interview from here.
You can also subscribe to the podcast here. Though you'll get audio ads as well, because meanwhile, I'm a cheapskate. Though you can subscribe and humor me.
It gets better. I agree it's not the best recording, but it was a first attempt. I hope the next one will come out better.
Litvshe, at Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:47:00 PM
Very interesting.
FrumGirl, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:14:00 PM
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