For Amshinover...
A while ago Amishnover came over for lunch. Since Jameel was also there, as well as a forth chap, we had a Zimun for bentching. As is my minhag, I asked the fellow who was doing the Zimun to please say the first bracha out loud and have in mind to be motzi me on that bracha. Amshi wondered where that came from and I said it was Minhag HaGra, who held that Zimun was a Din D'orraisa (as is clear from the Gemara Brachos מ"ה) and that one isn't yotzei that unless all those answering listen to the bracha quietly and answer Amen (see Tosefes Ma'aseh Rav כ"ד). Well, that wasn't enough for him, so I'm off looking. Meanwhile, I found, in Ma'aseh Rav HaShalem:
כ"ב ר"ח מואלאז'ין דלברהמ"ז נוטל בעה"ב רשות וברכה ראשונה מברהמ"ז אומר המרך לבד.(הנהגות ישרות ס"ק קס"ג)
I'm not sure that's enough for him, but I'm trying here. I also was told that in Yeshivas Torah Temimah in Brooklyn, that is how they are noheg l'mayseh. In addition, after a quick talk with my Rav on the topic, he told me it is based on Rashi's shitah in Brachos. When I find the appropriate Rashi, I will be happy to share.
כ"ב ר"ח מואלאז'ין דלברהמ"ז נוטל בעה"ב רשות וברכה ראשונה מברהמ"ז אומר המרך לבד.(הנהגות ישרות ס"ק קס"ג)
I'm not sure that's enough for him, but I'm trying here. I also was told that in Yeshivas Torah Temimah in Brooklyn, that is how they are noheg l'mayseh. In addition, after a quick talk with my Rav on the topic, he told me it is based on Rashi's shitah in Brachos. When I find the appropriate Rashi, I will be happy to share.
is this why many households in America say the first bracha out loud and then say the rest silently?
Jerusalemcop, at Sunday, March 05, 2006 10:03:00 AM
AMSHINOVER, at Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:40:00 PM
i would not bring proof from tora not so tememah
AMSHINOVER, at Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:22:00 AM
Sorry to invade your blog, but if you are still posting on Jameel's blog, please consider alerting readers to the need to counter protest tomorrow in San Francisco.
Please read my current post for details and the reason.
A groysn dank foroys.
The back of the hill, at Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:30:00 PM
Please consider writing news pieces or an op-ed for Jewrusalem: Israeli Uncensored News. We strive to present different views and opinions while rejecting political correctness. Ideally, we try to make the news "smart and funny." Thus, your input is very welcome.
Сергей, at Saturday, April 28, 2007 1:46:00 AM
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Rebecca, at Sunday, September 21, 2008 11:20:00 AM
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